
Embarking on a change effort to increase the agility of your organization can be intimidating. Leaders often find this journey is the biggest change they have experienced in their professional lives. So much to do and so many ways it could go wrong. Wisconsin Agility is here to help.

As you plan and execute your organizational change, travel with trusted advisors to navigate all the pitfalls that are in your path. We are confident after the initial Discovery and Alignment session with us you will be energized and inspired to make significant changes.

Questions? Interested in more information about our advising services?

How We Engage

  • Organizational Change

    Align expectations and identify how we can move forward in the most effective way. Aligning to strategy, clarifying optimization goals, defining product definitions and supporting structures, and scoping and planning the initial change.

  • Leadership

    Leadership advising on supporting the change, making decisions as needed, removing roadblocks, creating structures for continuous improvement, and maintaining momentum for the change.

  • Team and Role-Specific

    Reinforcing classroom training and guiding specific roles inside the organization to a continually improving state. As new problems emerge we advise and coach through different roles (Product Owner, Scrum Master, Team Members, Managers, etc) to resolve the problems.

  • Product Strategy

    Leading, advising, and mentoring key product roles within your organization to define vision, product strategy, and outcomes using an empirical approach.